Pathfinder alchemy manual pdf download
Pathfinder alchemy manual pdf download

pathfinder alchemy manual pdf download

When an item glitches, its effect is hampered or enhanced, as determined by a d% roll. When an item requires a d2o roll (such as a skill check or an attack roll) to activate or use, and that roll results in a natural L When a critical hit is confirmed against the wearer ofan active defensive item, such as armor or a force field. When using an item in a way that would drain its last charge.

pathfinder alchemy manual pdf download

When an item is first used after a month or more ofinactivity. There's a 50% chance that timeworn items glitch under the following conditions. TIMEUJORN TECHNOLOGY GLITCHES Timeworn technology doesn't always work as intended. The Technology Guide is a must-have for GMs running the Iron Gods Adventure Path or anyone looking to introduce super-science into any Pathfinder adventure or campaign setting.

  • Rules for artificial intelligences, the effects of the passage of time on technological items, the dangers of radiation, the seven skymetals of Numeria, technological traps, and more!.
  • The technomancer prestige class, which allows you to use magic to command robots and power your technology.
  • Extraordinarily powerful scientific items and artifacts, such as extinction wave devices, powered armor, and nuclear reactors!.
  • New feats, spells, and archetypes for technologically savvy characters, along with rules for how your skills interact with super-science.
  • Rules for dozens of new technological items, including weapons, armor, force fields, hologram generators, grenades, cybernetic implants, nanotech devices, remote controls for robots, and more!.
  • pathfinder alchemy manual pdf download

    It’s one thing to face a dragon armed with a longsword and a suit of magic plate mail, but what if you had an atom gun and powered armor? How many zombies could you blow up with a rocket launcher? What happens if you’re standing next to a graviton reactor when it explodes? All of these questions and more are answered within the pages of the Technology Guide-an invaluable manual of items, hazards, and character options for use in science-fantasy settings like Golarion’s Numeria, land of savagery and super-science!

    Pathfinder alchemy manual pdf download